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June 03, 2007
updating the 17-19th century tree branches
Our family tree is strongly connected to the core founding families of Chile. These were first described for the general public in the 3 volumes of "Familias Fundadoras de Chile" (using stuff from Mujica, La Cuadra Gormaz, Nobleza colonial de Chile, and others). I've typed in all the tables at the end to provide for a skeleton to the tree, but only according to research additional information there.
Our tree was first connected there to the VERGARA family through Arturo SIVORI VERGARA x Teresa ULRIKSEN FABRES. We have found a few other touchpoints mroe recently between our family tree and the general Chilean tree.
We are now again connected to the VERGARA, MONTT, CORREA, ORTIZ de GAETE and many more families through the parents of Inès JOLLY MONGE, on her maternal side.
Had we not typed in for the past many years the branches of more famous families, these connections would not have happened so easily.
We took the occasion to update some tree branches recently, as we connected brothers ans sisters together, individuals known with different variations of their last names, etc.
Two more recent resources have been :
. Bibioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile listing members of parliament (bios, dates, pictures): http://biografias.bcn.cl/pags/biografias/
. a new version of Mauricio Pilleux's site: www.genealog.cl, with a largely updated listing of data.
June 3, 2007 at 01:00 PM in _sources, Chile | Permalink
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