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June 07, 2007

Prof. Pablo ULRIKSEN UGARTE has died


Surfing the Web, we found an obituary for Profesor Pablo ULRIKSEN UGARTE, who died in December 2005. More information about him here.

His obituary mentions 5 children; we only have 4 in the tree. Are we missing someone, or is it a mistake ?

June 7, 2007 at 06:09 PM in Chile | Permalink


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>> His obituary mentions 5 children; we only have 4 in the tree.
>> Are we missing someone, or is it a mistake ?

Indeed, it's a mistake. Pablo had 4 children, Katherine, Pamela and Pablo with Mónica Ramirez, and Nicolás with Carmen Gloria Palma.

Posted by: Daniel Viñar | Aug 19, 2007 7:21:12 AM

Gracias don Pablo por haber fabricado a la Pamelita, a decir verdad, la más humanista y cuerda de la que fue su singular familia. Descanse usted en paz.

Posted by: alfredo | Apr 23, 2011 5:12:16 PM