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February 09, 2005
Making progress on my paternal great-grand-parents
The original post on that couple has been updated on 9/02/05 based on new information: a cousin of mine, Cristian SEPULVEDA VILLEGAS has found the baptism certificates for
Guillermo SEPULVEDA CASTILLO and for Maria Praxedes JARA FUICA:
the only surviving brother of my grand-father (his grand-father) had a copy of them. Hence, asking regularly all your family to search for family documents is always worth it !!! By the way here is the death certificate of Guillermo.
We are getting closer: we now have a place (Los Angeles, Chile) where to start looking for more information with confidence. Check the updated post to see how genealogical research makes progress. Stay tuned!
February 9, 2005 at 09:42 PM in Chile | Permalink
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