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January 15, 2005

Internet reader adds 4 generations to the family tree ;)

DoncieuxAn Internet reader (Elysa VIRET) kindly sent me earlier this week an extract of her own family tree: it happens that she relates to my wife in the early 19th century; her ancestors Jean Baptiste DONCIEUX (born 1795) x Jeanne Etienette CELERIER (born 1796) are also ancestors of my wife. They originate from the town of Arlay, in the Jura region of France. It's very fortunate that she found this site as I haven't had time to go explore local archives there. Elysa has been doing her research in the local Archives Départementales (a PDF Document with 32 pages of facsimile documents is available here ) and I'm awaiting paper copies of all the documents she found: it's really great, as she added 24 ancestors to my wife's tree, ie. 4 generations back (click on the left pix for details), bringing that branch to the later years of the 17th century.

So folks, please check the above search bar, and try some family names. We might be related, and some of your work might help me, as some of my work might benefit you! ;) Do send any information in !

New surnames from this addition:

January 15, 2005 at 11:28 PM in France | Permalink


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I Saw my surname 'Quadrelli' in the list. My grand-grandfather lived in Pietrasanta and come to Brazil in the begin of 20th century. His name was Paschoal Quadrelli and his son was Eugenio. Could you send any information about him.

I'm from Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Thank you very much.

Giovane Quadrelli

Posted by: Giovane Quadrelli | Feb 11, 2006 11:41:36 PM

Tengo informacion genealogica de mi familia por el lado sepulveda, que se origina en Chillan como tu buscas. Mi padre, Luis Alberto Sepulveda Castillo (b. 01/11/50) y mi tío Luis Homero Sepúlveda Castillo (b.?) son hijos de Homero Sepúlveda Soto y Leticia Castillo Aguayo. Ellos vienen de Chillan. Deseo enviarte mas información pero la tengo en formato Family Tree maker 2006 (junto a mi señora tenemos mas de 300 individuos de la familia identificados por medio del registro civil y documentos de bautismo parroquiales antiguos, y hemos llegado 7 generaciones atras). Si deseas el programa, solo dime y te lo envio junto con el archivo de datos de familia. Felicitaciones por tan magna labor genealogica que realizas!
Gonzalo Ernesto Sepulveda Estay (b 16/11/75)

Posted by: Gonzalo Sepulveda Estay | May 10, 2006 12:42:51 AM