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December 22, 2004
Sad news: our distant cousin Aldo Reggiori (1930-2004) passes away
Mirco sent me this news a while ago, but I hadn't had time to post it. Aldo Reggiori, one of my wife's grandfather's good friends and cousin died recently while swimming in the sea.
I have a picture of him in his youth in my archives. I'll update it shortly.
update: this is a picture of Aldo with his wife Doris in 1961 when they were newly wed.
Rest In Peace.
(ps: my data says he was borrn in 1930, although that would make him 74 years old, and not 70 as in the article. I need to check the birth certificate).
From Mirco:
Infatti pochi giorni fa il cugino Aldo (Aldo Reggiori, di Mario Reggiori e Rosa Lavagna, una delle figlie di Agostino) anche lui come me uomo di mare e ottimo subacqueo, ha perso la vita per un malore mentre stava facendo uno degli ultimi bagni della stagione con sua moglie Doris. Ecco la notizia apparsa su un quotidiano locale:
December 22, 2004 at 12:32 AM in Italia | Permalink
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