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November 02, 2004
Our cousin Daniel Viñar Ulriksen writes about presidential elections in Uruguay
It is a pleasure to introduce you to my distant cousin Daniel Viñar Ulriksen, also a descendant of Daniel Ulrichsen, born in 1830 in Horsens, Denmark. I found Daniel in the phone book in Paris a couple of years ago, and we have met twice.
Because of the dictatorship in Chile, Daniel was brought up in Uruguay, so I fully understand the joy in his message about Uruguay's presidential election this morning.
You can read his whole article also on his site abuelo.belvil.net, where he talks also about his heritage, and his grand-father Guillermo Ulriksen Becker, who was a really nice painter (some paintings here).
November 2, 2004 at 12:15 PM in Uruguay | Permalink
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