Since Friday last week, I'm constantly having a bad connection with free: the router seems OK, but my icon in my windows systray for Skype goes from green (connected) to gray (connecting...) and the Internet goes down.
I need to unplug my Freebox v4 for over 10 min, and when I replug it, everything is back again, for a few minutes, then it goes down... same problem last night (sunday), and today. Nevertheless, the whole day of Sunday went without a hitch. Hence, it's probably not my line, interference, setup, etc. as I've had it for a very long while now.
I'm connecting now to the Internet through my phone modem, my MOBILE 3G phone. How ironic.
I've tried Free's online chat assistance (the Java windowed boomed on me after waiting for 2 hours for my turn to come up), sent an email on their site (impossible to find, but there's a form somewhere...). Anyone knows what's wrong ? my freebox v4 getting old ? Free having growth problems ?
The problem seems to happen as soon as I start downloading something RELATIVELY big:
* new emails from the day: BOOM
* a video stream: BOOM (remember I do that for a living...)
* The Venice Project: BOOM (it's a P2P app...)
Help !