I have been using Gmail for a few weeks now. As discussed earlier, I've moved all my newsletter subscriptions to this account (keeping my other main 5 accounts for specific stuff, and no newsletter), and removed the Gmail notifier I had, and replaced it with a Firefox extension. Works rather nicely, although you get alerts all the time if you open new windows. Stick to opening new tabs then.
Now, after using my account for a while these are the enhancement sI'd like to see (anyone know of a hack, an extension, an obscure config parameter... ?):
- turn external images ON by default: all images are turned off by default, and it really mixes up the page layout, although enahncing the speed. I'd like a toggle button;
- add a DELETE button somewhere: I'm getting tired of pulling down that drop down menu and saying 'Move to Trash'. Even a keyboard shortcut (couldn't find it in the help pages) would do.
- add a 'create a filter rule from this message' kinda functionality: it's getting boring to click on Setting, add Filter, etc. Other mailers I've used in the past all had this feature.
- finally, add labels to the columns, ie be able to sort my messages by author, by date, by subject, by file size... as I usually do it with my other mailers.
Other stuff on my wishlist:
- Of course, being able to POP/IMAP the gmail account would be fantastic (Update: it seems I found a little tool that allows you to do just that on Windows)
- ability to spoof messages sent from gmail (ie. the reply-to: field) but I think this is probably possible now.
- Update2: this little tool will help you import your existing email into gmail...
- Update3: you can now even use gmail as a 1Gb disk space for your blog, using this 22-hour old hack (Gallina) from Jonathan Hernandez:
"Gallina is a GMail blog tool created by Jonathan Hernandez that uses GMail messages as "entries" (so 1000 MB of entries!!), replies to conversations are the "entry comments", uses Libgmailer (gmail-lite project) to connect to GMail. It uses XML/XSLT and by the way it's a GPL software." (via Mediatic)
So what are your thoughts on gmail ? anything else you would like ? other people expressing their wishes as well ?